The MM community is filled with high-quality singles looking for long-term relationships!

To maintain every user's privacy and keep your experience high-class, any non-compliance with the following guidelines will not be tolerated. Please understand that we use high auditing standards to maintain a safe environment for our members.

  • Zero Tolerance for Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (CSEA)

    MM is dedicated to protecting children and ensuring that no content or behavior on our platform endangers them. Any form of Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (CSEA) is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM): Uploading, sharing, storing, or soliciting any content that sexualizes or exploits minors, including visual depictions (photos, videos, illustrations), text, or third-party links.
    • Sexualized Discussions Involving Minors: Sharing inappropriate or explicit comments about or directed toward children.
    • Child Grooming: Engaging in predatory behavior, such as attempting to befriend minors with the intent of exploitation or abuse.
    • Impersonation: Creating accounts impersonating minors or using profiles of children for sexual or exploitative purposes.
    • Profile Images Involving Children: Photos of children must meet the following standards:
    • Children must be fully clothed.
    • Children cannot appear alone; a parent or guardian must be present in the image.
    • Photos that include children's genitalia or buttocks, even when partially covered or obscured with emojis, are strictly forbidden.
    • Important: While we understand some users may want to share photos of their children appropriately, any discussions or imagery involving minors must remain lawful, relevant, and respectful.
    • How We Handle Violations
    • Violating this policy will result in immediate account suspension or removal.
    • In accordance with U.S. law, any instances of suspected child sexual exploitation, grooming, or abuse that come to our attention will be reported to NCMEC. NCMEC may share these reports with relevant local, national, or international law enforcement agencies to facilitate further investigation.
    • Reports made to NCMEC may be shared with local and global law enforcement agencies.
    • Reporting Mechanism
    • If you come across any content or behavior violating this policy:
    • Use the in-app reporting tools.
    • Email our safety team directly at support <AT>
    • Your report will be reviewed urgently, and necessary action will be taken.
  • You Must Be at Least 19 Years Old

    Members must be over 19 years old to use our service.
  • No Sugar Baby or Sugar Daddy Relationships

    Looking for any kind of financial arrangement, compensated dating or companionship is not permitted. This includes asking to be "spoiled" or to be "financially supported" or to get "gifts". We reserve the right to ban any account that we believe is searching for sugar daddy relationships, compensated dating or companionship, including but not limited to these terms.
  • No Pornographic or Abusive Photos / Content

    Any nudity, abusive, violent, explicit, or pornographic content in your profile or photos may result in your account being banned, including private messages sent without permission. Please be classy in your profile.
  • No Scammers, Frauds, or Catfishing

    Any solicitation, asking for money from other members, or inviting other members to other websites is considered fraudulent and is prohibited. Apart from income verification, money should not be mentioned in your profile. Never send money or share financial information with other members.
  • No Fake or Poor-Quality Profiles

    MM is a PREMIUM+ dating platform. We reserve the right to delete your account if we believe that the personal data is untrue or does not meet our standards. This can include but is not limited to fake photos or profiles, low-quality photos or profile content.
  • No Abusive Messages or Behavior

    Harassing or abusive messages, threats of violence, terrorism or insults to others' politics or beliefs might result in action being taken against your account.
  • Report Any Inappropriate or Suspicious Behavior Immediately

    If any members are acting inappropriately or suspiciously, please report them by clicking the report link on their profile.

Be nice to others, respect each other's differences, and report any issues to us immediately. We look forward to seeing you on MM and wish you the best of luck finding the match of your dreams!